Buy a Brick

Brick Sizing
Leave a lasting legacy at The Canby Center. Your brick purchase, doubled by a generous matching gift, will support vital community programs for years to come.
Brick Purchase Form
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I already made a donation to the capital campaign in an amount of $250 or above. Does this qualify me for a brick?
A: Thank you for your support of the capital campaign! The Buy a Brick campaign is a separate funding opportunity for the Thriving Together capital campaign, so bricks will not be retroactively applied to gifts already given. If you would like to purchase a brick, please use the form above to do so. Thank you!
Q: When can I expect my brick to be installed?
A: At this time, we anticipate groundbreaking on the new building in spring of 2024 and completion of the building in late 2025. We will install the brick pavers closer to the completion of the building in 2025. We will look forward to notifying you when the pavers are installed!
Q: Can I purchase multiple bricks?
A: Yes! Please use the above form for the purchase of each individual brick.
Q: What can I include on the brick inscription?
A: Bricks are a great way to leave a legacy for your family, honor a loved one, or leave a word of encouragement for the community. You might consider your family name (“John and Sara Smith,” “The Smith Family”), a brick to honor friends or family (“For our Grandchildren”), a brick in memory of an individual (In loving memory of John Johnson), or a scripture verse. Please note there is an 18-character limit per line on bricks. 4x8” bricks include 1 line inscription, 8x8” bricks include 2 line inscriptions, and 12x12” bricks include 3 line inscriptions. Please note that all inscriptions are subject to final approval by The Canby Center.
Q: How will inscriptions be displayed on bricks?
A: All inscriptions will be centered on the brick. Bricks will be inscribed in uppercase or lowercase letters as written by the donor.